
In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze

Without virtual environment, depending on the system:

python -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze


python3 -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze

Python requirements

Python requirements are installed automatically by pip or conda.

C compiler                  (required if installing from sources)
cx_Logging >= 3.0           (Windows only)
importlib-metadata >= 4.8.3 (Python < 3.10)
lief >= 0.11.5              (Windows only)
packaging >= 21.0
patchelf >= 0.12            (Linux)
setuptools >= 59.0.1



patchelf is used in Linux and unix-like systems (FreeBSD, etc), except macOS. In Linux, cx_Freeze 6.10+ installs it using new wheels available on PyPI.

If you have any trouble with it, use the old method:

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install patchelf

To install patchelf in fedora:

dnf install patchelf

Or install patchelf from sources


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the folowing commanda:

pipenv install cx_Freeze
pipenv update cx_Freeze

Miniconda3 or Miniforge3

Directly from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge cx_freeze

If you are installing a pre-release or from sources, install the requirements using the same channel:

libpython-static (for python >=3.8 in linux and macOS)
py-lief (Windows)
patchelf (Linux)
declare SDKROOT or CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT (for python 3.9+ in macOS)

An example using Miniconda3:

# If using python 3.9 or higer in Github Actions CI, macOS, use this:
export SDKROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk

# For macOS and Linux
conda create -n cx39conda -c conda-forge python=3.9 libpython-static -y
conda activate cx39conda
conda install -c conda-forge c-compiler importlib-metadata patchelf -y
pip install --no-binary=cx_Freeze --pre cx_Freeze -v

Download tarball or wheels

Download directly from PyPI.

Download the source code

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a manual installation.

In the source directory, use one of the command:

pip install -e .


python develop

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