
In a virtual environment, install by issuing the command:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze

Without virtual environment, depending on the system:

python -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze


python3 -m pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze

Python requirements

  • cx_Logging 3.0 - installed automatically on Windows;
  • importlib-metadata - installed automatically;
  • setuptools - installing from source requires setuptools (installed automatically in virtual environments).

Requirement for all SO

  • C compiler - if installing from sources.

Requirement for Linux

  • patchelf

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt install patchelf


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the folowing commanda:

pipenv install cx_Freeze
pipenv update cx_Freeze

Anaconda / Miniconda

conda install -c conda-forge cx_freeze

Download tarball or wheels

Download directly from PyPI.

Download the source code

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a a manual installation.

In the source directory, use one of the command:

pip install .


python develop

Issue tracking on Github.