

You should install the latest version of cx_Freeze using pip:

pip install --upgrade cx_Freeze


The recommended way to use cx_Freeze is in a virtual environment. If you’re unfamiliar with Python virtual environments, check out the packaging user guide.


Please note that some operating systems might be equipped with the python3 and pip3 commands instead of python and pip (but they should be equivalent).


Using pipenv, install or update by issuing one of the following commands:

pipenv install cx_Freeze
pipenv update cx_Freeze


Directly from the conda-forge channel:

conda install conda-forge::cx_freeze

Python requirements

Python requirements are installed automatically by pip, pipenv, or conda.

setuptools >= 62.6
typing_extensions >= 4.10.0 (Python 3.8, 3.9)
wheel >= 0.42.0
cx_Logging >= 3.1           (Windows only)
lief >= 0.12.0              (Windows only)
filelock >=3.11.0           (Linux)
patchelf >= 0.14            (Linux)
C compiler                  (required only if installing from sources)


If you have trouble with patchelf, check How to install Patchelf.

Download the source code

You can download and extract the source code found on Github to do a manual installation. Check Development.

Issue tracking

Bug report and issue tracking on Github issues.